The three classical Rosicrucian writings were published by the German theologian Johann Valentin Andreae at the beginning of the 17th century. The LRC editions contain the full original texts and an esoteric analysis by Jan …

The three classical Rosicrucian writings

Den første dag i Christian Rosenkreuz’ Kymiske Bryllup
Read the seven-part original text of the novel about initiation by Johann Valentin Andreae (1616), with comments from the esoteric analysis of Jan van Rijckenborgh and links to articles. The action takes place in seven …

Det Gyldne Rosenkreuz’ Elementære Filosofi
Hvorledes kan man forstå rosenkreuzets universelle gnostiske betydning? Den, der søger et svar på det, vil have stor glæde af at læse denne bog. Bogen indikerer tydeligt, hvad man behøver at gøre, hvis man sandfærdigt …